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Final Hurricane Harvey Recovery Update -Friday 9-1-2017

Events in February 2025

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
January 26, 2025
January 27, 2025
January 28, 2025(1 event)

City Council Regular Meeting

January 28, 2025

CLICK HERE for Agenda

This site is accessible to disabled individuals.  For special assistance, please contact the City Secretary at (281) 983-2931 prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.  The City of Meadows Place is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

CLICK HERE for Agenda

January 29, 2025
January 30, 2025
January 31, 2025
February 1, 2025
February 2, 2025
February 3, 2025
February 4, 2025
February 5, 2025
February 6, 2025
February 7, 2025
February 8, 2025
February 9, 2025
February 10, 2025
February 11, 2025
February 12, 2025
February 13, 2025
February 14, 2025
February 15, 2025
February 16, 2025
February 17, 2025
February 18, 2025
February 19, 2025
February 20, 2025
February 21, 2025
February 22, 2025
February 23, 2025
February 24, 2025
February 25, 2025(1 event)

City Council Regular Meeting

February 25, 2025

CLICK HERE for Agenda

This site is accessible to disabled individuals.  For special assistance, please contact the City Secretary at (281) 983-2931 prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.  The City of Meadows Place is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

CLICK HERE for Agenda

February 26, 2025
February 27, 2025
February 28, 2025
March 1, 2025

Final Daily Hurricane Update – Friday – Sept. 1, 2017

As Mayor of Meadows Place, I could not be more proud to serve this city than I am right now. The Emergency Response Team, the Police, Fire and EMS  who all braved the weather and stayed on standby 24 hours a day for the duration of the storm and the staff that worked through the storm were all amazing to watch. As great as they are, it is the residents of this city who are so generous and kind and willing to help each other – and DID – that are the main reason we are so proud to live here. Meadows Place City Council was engaged throughout and  Congressman Olson checked on more than once. State Senator Huffman and all the others who checked in on us, we appreciate you also. I just Thank You all so very much. Now, let’s all breath a big sigh of relief, count our blessings, and enjoy our holiday weekend !

Hurricane Harvey Update – Thursday  8-31-2017    

Daily updates will end tomorrow, Friday Sept. 1st. 2017.   Our Office of Emergency Management has been downgraded to a Level 2 but City Hall is up and running at Full Capacity.  We even have volunteer help. The FEMA paperwork will put a dramatic burden on our staff, especially the Department Heads and City Secretary and Finance Director.  

Meadows Place Pool and Community Center are closed . The Community Center will remain closed until further notice which means programs are postponed indefinitely. . The pool,  is closed for the season. Sorry, but we are working diligently to solve these problems.  Thank You. 

 Hurricane Harvey Update – Wednesday  8-30-2017    Hooray,   Hurricane Harvey is GONE !!!!

But he has left behind expensive problems and lots of issues. Good Afternoon Meadows Place, Mayor Charles Jessup here. Harvey finally left us and that is wonderful but now cleanup and damage assessment have begun.   The city sustained some damage and I know some residents have too. For some it will be more involved than others.  As we move through the process, we will post updates on our website and the City of Meadows Place Facebook Page. Keep checking them. We will also use the Code Red call system when appropriate.

City Hall will open for business as usual tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 31st at 9: a.m.    Today all Departments doing damage assessment and PD is running patrols.  

Swimming Pool- Unfortunately, our pool is closed due to storm damage and will NOT reopen this year. We lost pumps and may have sustained electrical damage. Sorry. 

Community Center – closed until further notice due to electrical damage sustained there.

Trash Pickup – Meadows Place should have Regular trash pickup on Friday. There will be NO RECYCLE pick up and NO pickup of Storm debris.  The city is evaluating its debris pickup options at this time with a decision made by Friday, Sept. 1st.   Recycle pickup is based on the reopening of the Recycle Center.  We do not know when that will be. 


Hurricane Harvey Update – Tuesday  8-29-2017 

Good News for Fort Bend County -projected flood levels for the Brazos River was lowered two feet to ( a still record high) 57.5 feet.   There will still be widespread flooding in parts of Ft. Bend County. Meadows Place is NOT in the Brazos River watershed. There ARE resources coming this way but Flooding and huge demand has slowed emergency response by the State of Texas and Red Cross teams for those in need.   Meadows Place is working with the County, State and Red Cross to help with shelter opportunities.

Meadows Place City Hall will remain closed though the week. Work is going on as your Response Team works on payroll, paying bills and moving toward a more routine schedule.  We have a huge task in front of us and realize some in Meadows Place have formidable tasks as well.  Recovery takes work too. That said, I feel we have been  blessed to have come this far with relatively little damage but  are not completely out of the woods yet.  We are encouraged and hoping the worst is behind us and does not come back for a return visit.   I am amazed at the efficiency and effectiveness or our Emergency Response Team, PD  and the many staff who have stayed 24/7 and continue to work so hard for us. This morning, Council members Steve Bezner and John Isbell came by to take part in the Countywide Disaster  Conference Call and Alderman Rick Staigle took time from his duties at the County EOC to come see how he could help Meadows Place. We thank these strong civic leaders as they show us another reason why Meadows Place really is …Your Place for Life.  


Harvey Update – Monday – 11:00 
 NO TRASH PICKUP tomorrow.  The devastation in Fort Bend is beyond belief. Fortunately Meadows Place is  faring well but, we are not out of the woods until Harvey goes away. Four thousand five hundred Water Rescues and several hospitals have been closed or even evacuated in Fort Bend County. The county website has been overwhelmed as has their phone and 911 systems. They have taken steps to improve all and are showing improvement. Note: There are NO shelters in Meadows Place. The nearest is at Sugar Land Methodist at 431 Eldridge. We will post any changes or new shelters and please, we are NOT evacuating regardless the rumors. Thank You .
Please stay put and stay safe. Thank You.
 Harvey Update – Monday – 2:00 p.m.  Aug. 28, 2017-

Meadows Place Emergency Operations Center is still activated and manned. It will remain at a readiness Level 1 until 6:00 am Friday Morning even though it appears that the worst of Harvey is over for us.  We hope this is the case, but as we all know, hurricanes are unpredictable.  Even if Harvey continues to move out, Meadows Place could easily get another 5 to10 inches of rain.  With the ground saturated, we will flood quickly if the rains are heavy.  Meadows Place is not out of the woods yet so please – do not become complacent or overconfident. Please stay off the streets and do not park on the streets until Harvey and all its rain is completely passed.   We will continue post updates on the City website and Facebook pages.

Garbage Pickup

At this time garbage schedules are unclear but we are NOT having pickup tomorrow, Tuesday August 28th.  Again NO garbage pickup tomorrow. Beyond  that, we do not know for certain.  If you wish to check on it yourself go to the Texas Pride Disposal Facebook page. They update frequently.

Water Damaged Homes

If you got water in your home please let us know.  This will help us in the future.  All you have to do is email your address to crutherford@cityofmeadowsplace.org.  Let us know if the water came from the back yard or up from the street, how much water you got, a little or a lot, etc.

Flooding in Fort Bend County  – Shelter and pet shelter

Many of you know the Brazos and San Bernard rivers are probably going to rise to record levels . This means a lot of people will be displaced.  Meadows Place is doing its part to assist and help find shelters for at least some of these folks.    I know many of you have graciously opened your doors to friends, family and coworkers.  May you be blessed for doing so.  There may be a need for temporary pet placement for displaced families.  If you are willing to take in someone’s  pet if the shelter will not, please email your contact information to Colene Cabezas at parsdirector@cityofmeadowsplace.org.    We do not have an immediate need but may have in the future.   Thank You.

There is a major conference at 3:00 p.m.  If there is anything that affects Meadows Place we will post it. Thank You



Harvey Update – Sunday Evening – 7:00 p.m.  Aug. 27, 2017-

Your Meadows Place Disaster Response Team – which has been manning our Emergency Operations Center 24/7 is doing a great job.  This afternoon Meadows Place participated in a very long Fort Bend County Coordination meeting.  We heard that Harvey is not over and that we could easily get another 5 to 10 inches of rain.  Bayous are full so the streets could flood very quickly.    Be prepared for Nocturnal Flare-ups as well as ongoing Tornado Warnings.  

Water & Sewer – Again, all plants are operational and systems are functioning at full capacity.  We will NOT turn off the water and do not expect any contamination.  We have generators on two of our wells and will be maintaining positive pressure throughout the storm.  

Meadows Place is tracking flooded streets on an ongoing basis and recording all homes that we know had water in them.   We would like your help – If your house got water in it, please email our City Secretary who is managing the database for us.  Her email is: crutherford@cityofmeadowsplace.org    Include all info you are comfortable with such as how much water, how many rooms, etc.  but please include whether the water came in from the street or the back.     

City Hall will be closed to the public until Harvey has departed and is no longer a threat. There will be a lot going on but, as you can imagine, we will be overwhelmed with required Harvey paperwork for quite a few days.  I expect it to be close to business as usual after Labor Day.  Please feel free to contact City Hall or the PD if you have questions or concerns


Meadows Place Harvey Update – Sunday Morning – 10:00 a.m.  Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017-

Meadows Place is responding to Life Threatening Situations Only!  Water in your home is not necessarily Life Threatening. We too are limited in travel. If you are in danger, call our dispatcher at 281-983-2900. We are fluid and flexible so keep monitoring this site. Our only method of extraction is a Hummer which is not easy to get into or out of but if you are in danger Meadows Place WILL respond.      Toilet update ....Our wastewater station is working. Public Works checked all our plants this morning and the pumps and plant are functioning fine. However, the sewage line manholes have been underwater, filling the lines with water. They become surcharged and your toilets will not flush. If we get a lull, the pumps may catch up but for now, they may not work.      To help out, Please, Stay Home.  Do not block our roadways. It puts our officers in danger. We will be dealing with Harvey for another day or two but Please stay safe, please stay home and please stay off the streets. Thank You.


Meadows Place Update – Sunday Morning – 7:00 a.m.  Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017-

Meadows Place is still flooded  and power is out in some of the city. Do not expect it to be back any time soon. Repair crews will not be dispatched into floodwaters. Harvey has been stalled but seems to be moving slowly. Currently a rain band is over Meadows Place and we could receive more heavy rains. We have had over 15 inches of rain. Keegans is 2 feet above its banks and Braes is out of its banks as well. This keeps us from draining. Homes may flood so plan to get valuable items off the floor. There is an Emergency Coordination Conference call at 8:30. The city will post an update shortly thereafter.

Meadows Place Update – Sunday Morning – 2:00 a.m.  Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017-

Meadows Place is flooded. We are responding to emergency calls only. If you are safe – stay put. Keegans and Braes Bayous are at flood stage and out of their banks. This affects Meadows Place. If you get water in your home and are safe, stay there. 
The city is flooded and all city vehicles will flood out – so again – we are responding to emergency calls only and if the water continues to rise, we may not be able to respond.  However, if it begins to rise there is a danger – The Safe Electricity website gives a list of 5 measures to bear in mind when it comes to electricity and flooding: Never step into a flooded room if water may be in contact with electrical outlets, appliances or cords and never attempt to turn off power at the breaker box if you must stand in water to do so. There is major flooding everywhere. Do NOT try to get out. All roads into and out of Meadows Place are impassable.



Meadows Place Update – Saturday Afternoon

5:00 p.m.  Saturday Aug. 26, 2017   Meadows Place Emergency Operations Team participated in the 3:00 p.m. Fort Bend County Emergency Co-ordination call.  They were joined by Aldermen Steve Bezner and John Isbell.  Alderman Terry Henley dropped by for a minute t to report a downed tree and Alderman Rick Staigle is monitoring Meadows Place from the Fort Bend County EOC.  Primary concerns included the evacuations caused by the anticipated flood levels of the Brazos River and the current forecast which calls for Harvey to turn east and pass over our region on its way to the Beaumont area.  If this comes to fruition, we can expect the rain to intensify. We also anticipate Meadows Place to be affected by typical tropical storm Nocturnal Flare-ups beginning later tonight.  Monitor this page and your local news channel.  Thanks to all the members of our Emergency Response Team who are with us 24 hrs. a day until this emergency is cover.  


Meadows Place Update

11:15 a.m.  Saturday Aug. 26, 2017   Meadows Place Emergency Operations Directors and staff took part in a County-wide Emergency Assessment Conference led by County Judge Bob Hebert and Fort Bend County Drainage District Director Jeff Janacek.  Most of Fort Bend County got 5 to 6 inches of rain the last 24 hrs. which is beginning to put a strain on many drainage systems.  There are concerns that Harvey will cause near record flooding in the Brazos River and the Braes Bayou watershed. This affects Meadows Place.  All City functions and emergency responses are being addressed through the Meadows Place Emergency Operations Center.   There is another County update at 3:00 p.m.  We will report as needed. More rain is expected and street flooding could happen quickly. Turn Around – Don’t Drown…and do not park in the streets. 

Two water leaks have been reported and are being addressed as best they can be.  USW is trying to get crews in place but safety and emergency operations are top priority. 


Meadows Place Under Tornado Warning

3:15 a.m. Sat.  8/26/2017. A Tornado Warning for northeastern Fort Bend county proved accurate as a tornado has apparently struck near Greatwood and First Colony. Locations in the warning include Meadows Place, Sugar Land, Missouri City, Rosenberg, Stafford, Richmond, Town West, First Colony, Pecan Grove, Mission Bend, Fulshear, Thompsons, Greatwood, New Territory, Cinco Ranch, Cumings, Four Corners and other area nearby. Stay indoors, put as many walls between you and the outside as possible. Tornado warnings are in affect until 3:30 a.m. and may be extended as potentially tornadic storms and windshears will be ongoing throughout the day. 


Meadows Place Emergency Operations Center has been activated and we are preparing for a lot of rain.  A lot. This could mean street flooding in many areas, including ours. The streets are designed to store and convey water so do not park your cars in the street.  Water will typically run off in a short period of time and will not be a long term issue. Please give it time and just stay off of the streets when they are flooded.  Turn Around-Don’t drown.  Severe flooding means streets will be closed, possibly even to emergency vehicles.   Stay dry and watch the weather forecasts. We will post updates on the City website and Facebook pages and contact news outlets if needed.

Meadows Place Declared Disaster Area

5:30 p.m. Friday, 8/25/2017.  Mayor Jessup just signed ordinance 2017-25 declaring a State of Disaster for the City of Meadows Place.   This was done as a preemptive measure which will allow the City to suspend certain procedural rules and laws, establish curfews, and have the authority to remove debris on both public and private property.  At this point no action has been taken but the City will keep you informed of any actions taken.  Check the website, the Official Facebook Page and the mini marquees around the city if power is lost.  Right now the EOC is packed and staffed. Meadows Place completed the first  call with the Fort Bend Office of Emergency Management and Chief Stewart was quite pleased that Meadows Place was standing ready at Level 1 with all remote computers online and communications functioning. Keep checking this website for more information. 


Here are a few reminders.

Avoid walking or driving through flood waters and be extra careful when walking outside.

Storm damage such as downed power lines and fallen debris could injure you.

Stay away from windows. Flying glass from broken windows could injure you.

Turn your refrigerator or freezer to the coldest setting and open only when necessary.

Freeze water bottles. If you lose power, food will last longer and you can drink it later.

6 to 12 hours before arrival

Turn on your TV/radio, or check your local government’s website frequently.

You’ll get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.

Charge your phone. You’ll have a full battery if you lose power.

12 to 36 hours before arrival

Bring in outdoor furniture and other items that could blow or float away.

Get your candles and hurricane lamps out now.

Bookmark your local government’s website.  This gives you quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions.

36 to 48 hours before arrival

Build or restock your emergency preparedness kit.

Include a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.

Plan how to communicate with family members if you lose power. Let someone know where you go.

You can use phone, text, social media, or email. Text only will save battery and have a better chance of getting through. 

Create an evacuation plan with your family. Think about leaving or prepare to leave quickly. If you stay, and we get the rains they are talking about, you WILL be flooded in.  Be careful and be safe.