Storm Water Hotline
- Public Works Office 281-983-2932 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)
- City Hall 281-983-2950 (After Hours leave message)
Storm Water Links
Visit these storm water links to learn more on the (EPA) Environmental Protection Agency and (TCEQ)Texas Commission on Environmental Quality efforts to clean the waters of the state of Texas And (search storm water)
Storm Water Pollution in Meadows Place
Unlike the water that goes down your sink or bathtub drain to the sewer, water that flows into storm drains is not treated and filtered for pollutants. This contaminated water flows directly into the drainage ditches, Keegans Bayou, Brays Bayou, the Houston Ship Channel and ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico. So, letting pollutants reach your storm drain is like contaminating your own food source. Anything other than pure rainwater is a potential contaminant that degrades water quality and aquatic life.
It’s very important that you help prevent contaminants from flowing into storm drains Never pour anything down your storm drain. Intentionally pouring pollutants into street gutters and storm drains is dangerous to the environment and it is also illegal and carries a fine plus the cost of cleaning or removing the contaminate.
Solid debris takes up space in the storm piping thereby making it less effective in transporting storm water to the ditch. In other words, dumping solid debris and pollutants into the storm sewer allows streets to become flooded after heavy rains.
Three types of Storm Water Pollution
Storm Water Pollution can be split into three general classifications.
- Litter – cigarette butts, cans, food wrappers, plastic bags, paper and especially news papers that are not picked up.
- Natural Pollution – leaves, yard clippings or animal feces.
- Chemical Pollution – fertilizers, oil, paint, gasoline, pool backwash/water and detergent.
The City is currently repairing storm drain inlets to provide proper drainage related to storm water runoff. The public works department has installed storm inlet markers that promote residents monitor what goes down the drainage system.
For more information visit Clean Water Clear Choice