City Projects Status
For a link to the City of Meadows Place Budget and Capital Improvement Plan, click HERE
Dorrance Lane Improvement Project: Phase 2 – Part of Capital Improvement Plan
- Impact to 1,200 ft. of Dorrance Lane between Oxford Glen Ln. and the old dog park.
- Installation of new water pipes and road
- Project anticipated to start in November 2024 and completed Summer 2025
- Funding provided by the City Utility Funds and Fort Bend County Mobility Bond.
- ESTIMATED COST: $2,300,000
- More Information HERE
Percentage Completed
Dorrance Lane Phase 2
Sensory Park Hill Turf Installation
- The final phase of the Sensory project will include installing synthetic turf on the play hill and surrounding area. This will provide a sustainably low maintenance area of play. Children will benefit from an attractive clean surface that is green all year long.
- Temporary closure of the hill will take place while work is completed.
- Anticipated start: Beginning of of March
- Anticipated completion: End of March
- Funding for this project is coming from the Economic Development Corporation.
- TOTAL COST: $20,000
- Complete April 2024: Pictures of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
Sensory Park Hill Turf
Helfman Playground for All Fence Replacement
- A portion of the rod iron fence along Dorrance and Pender is in disrepair and needs to be replaced. We are contracting with a company to replace the entire section that borders the Helfman Playground for All.
- The park will remain open to the public while the project is ongoing.
- Anticipated start: Beginning of March
- Anticipated completion: End of March
- Funding for this project is coming from the Economic Development Corporation.
- TOTAL COST: $14,000
Percentage Completed
Helfman Playground for All Fence
Brighton Ln. On Street Parking Rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation work on the parking spots along Brighton Ln. near the school
- Roadway will remain open
- Construction will be done in sections
- Anticipated completion: Early February
- Funding for this project is coming from the Economic Development Corporation.
- TOTAL COST: $145,000
Percentage Completed
Brighton Ln. On Street Parking Rehab
Well 2 Beautification
- Installation of landscaping and boulders to beautify the fence line of Well 2 as it sits prominently at the corner of Dairy Ashford and Dorrance. This location has high visibility to those passing by and entering Meadows Place. We desire to beautify that area in order to better reflect Meadows Place standards of excellence.
- Phase 1 will begin in October with plant and boulder installation.
- Phase 2 will begin in November with the installation of crepe myrtles.
- Anticipated completion of Phase 1: November
- Anticipated completion of Phase 2: December
- Funding for this project is coming from the City General Fund
- TOTAL COST: $6,000
Percentage Completed
Well 2 Beautification
Discovery & Nature Center/Community Center Foundation Repairs
- Both facilities have been identified with structural issues due to foundation settling causing significant cracks
- Anticipated start date Discovery & Nature Center – Beginning of September 2023
- Anticipated start date Community Center – End of September 2023
- Each project will take 4 days to complete
- Funding for this project is coming from the City General Fund
- Discovery & Nature Center: $2,500
- Community Center: $7,000
- TOTAL COST: $9,500
- Completed September 2023
Percentage Completed
Foundation Repairs
Sensory Park Installation Jim McDonald Park
- A sensory park is an area that allows visitors to enjoy a wide variety of sensory experiences. Sensory parks are designed to provide opportunities to stimulate the senses, both individually and in combination, in ways that users may not usually encounter. Many sensory parks devote themselves to providing experience for multiple senses; those specializing in music/sound are sound gardens where the equipment doubles up to provide an enhanced opportunity for strategic developmental, learning and educational outcomes.
- Sensory parks usually have a layout that provides a stimulating journey through the senses, heightening awareness, and bringing positive learning experiences for all ages and abilities
- Installation of sensory park will include musical equipment such as chimes, cajons, cavatina, tembo’s, congas, storytelling ball, climbing hill, crawl through tunnel, boulders, benches and picnic tables.
- Phase 1 will focus on the climbing hill and tunnel, musical instruments and boulders
- Phase 2 will include additional picnic tables and benches as well as a few additional musical instruments, updates to current playground equipment.
- Anticipated start date Phase 1 August / Phase 2 November
- Anticipated completion date Phase 1 – End of September / Phase 2 December
- Funding provided by Meadows Place Economic Development Corporation and City General Fund
- EDC Portion: $39,000
- General Fund Portion: $30,000
- TOTAL COST: $69,000
- Complete October of 2023: Pictures of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
Sensory Park Jim McDonald Park
Wastewater Treatment Plant Lift Station Rehabilitation – Part of Capital Improvement Plan
- Lift station carries roughly 1 million gallons of the City’s sanitary sewage to our wastewater treatment plant for cleaning DAILY
- Our lift station needs to be brought to current standards that includes variable speed motors
- October 2022, City Council authorized a design contract with HDR Engineering to rehabilitate the lift station.
- February 2024, Council authorizes HDR to go out for bid on project.
- July 2024, City enters agreement with AR Turnkee Construction Company, Inc.
- Funding expected to be partially funded with Fort Bend County ARPA Funds received by the City.
Percentage Completed
Lift Station Rehabilitation
Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation – Part of Capital Improvement Plan
- The clarifier bridge is a large part of the process that cleans our sanitary sewage and discharges the cleaned water into Keegan’s Bayou.
- The City has a contract with HDR Engineering for the design of the project.
- September 26, 2023: Council voted to authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with LEM Construction Co., Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Clarifier Rehabilitation Project.
- The scope of work includes replacing much of the equipment, including controls, traveling bridge, sensors, drive motors, slide gates, actuators and other apparatus while upgrading to a modern plant designed to provide many more years of service.
- Funding for this project is coming from City Funds and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds received by the City.
- TOTAL COST: $3,950,000
- Installation of new gates:
- Removal of traveling bridge:
Percentage Completed
Clarifier Rehabilitation
New Generator Wastewater Treatment Plant
- The wastewater treatment plant did not have a generator.
- Per TCEQ standards, we must have a generator
- Pad site for generator installed November 2022
- Generator ordered (500kW Diesel) August 2022
- Generator delivered and installed September 2023 Pictures of installation HERE
- Generator runs the lift station and the entire plant.
- Funding for this project is coming from Fort Bend County ARPA Funds received by the City.
- Electrical Connections Completed June 2024
- TOTAL COST: $241,566
Percentage Completed
New Generator at Wastewater Treatment Plant
Meadow Valley Park Redesign
- Addition of new playground equipment, fencing, lighting, and walking paths.
- Funding provided by Meadows Place Economic Development Corporation, Child Safety Fund, and General Fund.
- EDC Portion: $25,500 (Sidewalks | Benches | Kiddie Cushion | Water Fountain | Fence)
- Child Safety Fund Portion: $6,000 (Solar Light Poles)
- General Fund Portion: $9,000 (Playground Equipment | Sign)
- TOTAL COST: $40,500
- Completed August 2023. Pictures of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
Meadows Glen Park Redesign
Tennis Court Rehab – 12005 Dorrance Lane
- Repair and resurfacing of courts
- Changing all lighting to LED lighting
- Addition of permanent pickleball courts
- Funding provided by money received through the Fort Bend County Parks Bond.
- TOTAL COST: $94,403
- Completed August 2023. Pictures of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
Tennis Court Rehab
New Generators Installations Emergency Operation Center and Well 3
- Currently one generator provides backup power for Well 3 and the Emergency Operations Center.
- The new generators will allow the EOC and Well 3 to have their own dedicated backup power source.
- EOC (80kW Natural Gas) generator expected completion early August 2023. Cost; $101,435
- Well 3 (350kW Diesel) generator expected completion early August 2023. Cost: $96,041
- There will be a portable backup generator onsite providing power to both facilities while generators are put online.
- Funding provided by the Fort Bend County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
- TOTAL COST: $197,476
- Completed September 2023. Pictures of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
New Generators at EOC and Well 3
Floating Dock at Lake – 12001 Brighton Lane
- Addition of floating dock to the lake at McGrath Park
- Funding provided by money received through the Fort Bend County Parks Bond.
- TOTAL COST: $26,374
- Completed March 2023 – Pictures of completion HERE
Percentage Completed
Floating Dock Installed at Lake
Field House Roof Repair – 12001 Brighton Lane
- Field house roof was over 30 years old and in need of repair
- Field house used by Parks and Recreation Department as well as Meadows Place Pony Baseball League
- Funding provided by money received through the Fort Bend County Parks Bond.
- TOTAL COST: $23,650
- Completed February 2023 – Pictures of completion HERE
Percentage Completed
Field House Roof Repair
Dorrance Lane Improvement Project: Phase 1 – Part of Capital Improvement Plan
- Impact to 1,000 ft. of Dorrance Lane between Kirkwood Rd. and Oxford Glen.
- Installation of new water pipes and road
- Project started in June 2022 and completed in March 2023
- Funding provided by the Meadows Place Economic Development Corporation, City General Funds and Utility Funds.
- TOTAL COST TO DATE: 1,399,468 (design and construction)
- EDC Portion: $450,000 (through this fiscal year)
- City General Fund Portion: $819,266
- Utility Funds Portion: $130,202
- Video of completion HERE.
Percentage Completed
Dorrance Lane Phase 1
Well Rehabilitation Project – Part of Capital Improvement Plan
- Well 1
- Complete cleaning of well walls
- New pump, new column pipe, and new pump shaft installed.
- Completed July 2023
- Funding provided by the City Utility Fund
- TOTAL COST: $317,183
- Well 2
- Main shaft on the pump broke. This led to an assessment of the entirety of the well. It was determined a new shaft casing was needed as well as a new pump.
- Completed January 2023
- Funding provided by the City Utility Fund
- TOTAL COST: 315,838
- Well 3
- Complete cleaning of well walls and new pump installed
- Completed August 2022
- Funding provided by the City Utility Fund
- TOTAL COST: $131,601.75
TOTAL PROJECT COST: $764,622.75 Pictures of Work HERE
Percentage Completed
Well Rehabilitation Project