New Utility Rates
In 2022, Council implemented a strategy that would help fund our multi-year Capital Improvement Plan by increasing water and sewer rates by 10% per year over five years. Each year the current Council must vote to move forward with this increase. Our Council has voted and with a unanimous decision, the City of Meadows Place will be continuing with the plan set forth in 2022. Utility rates will be increasing 10% for residents effective August, 2023 (SEE CHART BELOW). The water and sewer revenue collected goes towards maintaining and improving our aging infrastructure.
Proposed Utility Infrastructure Fee
Council is also considering adding an additional fee to the utility bill. This fee would be called the Utility Infrastructure Fee and would be an additional monthly amount on your utility bill that has yet to be determined. The amount that has been discussed at budget meetings is anywhere between $5 and $20 per month. The fee would operate similar to the Road Use Fee, however, the revenue generated from this fee would go directly into a fund that can only be used for water and wastewater infrastructure needs. As we all know, the City faces issues with an old infrastructure daily. These fees will help to accelerate the replacement of aging water/sewer infrastructure in our town.
Before continuing with the Utility Infrastructure Fee, Council would like input from the residents. Please attend the Special Council Meeting at City Hall on Tuesday, August 15th to learn more and provide feedback.