I just wanted to say Thank You to Colene Cabezas, Ben Weber, Cameron Miller and Amaya Labrador for participating in the Rebuilding of Meadows Elementary Vison Session. We met at Meadows Elementary with ME teachers and staff, FBISD staff and the COO of FBISD, a representative from Gensler, the people who will be doing the rebuild of ME. I dare say that this will be the strongest, most intellectually diverse group they work with this year. We had an Award winning Parks Director, a Lawyer who sat on the FBISD Bond Oversite Committee, the Director of News Operations for a TV News network and an Architect/Planner who now sits on the board of the American Institute of Architects-Houston. Wow. They were Amazing and they shined. Partly because of who they are and what they bring to the table and partly because of the passion they all have for our city and our school. They all know what this means for today as well as understanding what a new 21st century learning center means for the future of Meadows Elementary – and for the City of Meadows Place. I was so impressed at the quality of their comments during the discussion and the depth of the questions they asked. Very Impressive-especially for a 1 sq. mile city ! Thank you all very much…your participation and willingness to engage in this citizen input process will certainly keep Meadows Place, Your Place for Life!
EDC Meeting
January 9, 2025
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