Public Hearing 6 pm Jan. 25
At City Hall
Regarding a request for a
Special Use Permit by Quick Quack Carwash
At the December City Council Meeting there was a discussion and consideration of Ordinance No. 2021-41 setting the 25th day of January 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Meadows Place City Hall, One Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, TX 77477, as the date, time, and place for a Joint Public Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission to receive public comment regarding Andrew Mecham’s application for a Specific Use Permit per City of Meadows Place Code of Ordinances Chapter 153, Section 153.094(B)(2)(d)3 allowing for a Quick Quack Carwash located at 11720 W Airport Blvd., Meadows Place, TX 77477.
Members of the public are invited to come, question and comment on the request for a special use permit to both Planning and Zoning and City Council at the aforementioned time. Thank You.