Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
General Permit Authorization No. TXR040585
APPLICATION. City of Meadows Place, One Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, Texas 77477, has applied to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) under the Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) General Permit No. TXR040000 for a new authorization number TXR040585 to discharge from the City of Meadows Place municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). The new authorization would replace expired authorization number TXR040358. The notice of intent (NOI) and stormwater management program were received by the TCEQ on March 4, 2015.
The MS4 is located within the City of Meadows Place limits within the Houston urbanized area in Fort Bend County, Texas 77477. The MS4 will discharge to the drainage area of the San Jacinto River Basin.
A copy of the NOI, stormwater management program, general permit, and general permit fact sheet is available for viewing and copying at City of Meadows Place City Hall, One Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, Texas, 77477.
The Executive Director of the TCEQ has made a preliminary decision to approve authorization of this MS4 under TPDES General Permit No. TXR040000.
PUBLIC COMMENT. Written public comments may be submitted to the Office of Chief Clerk, at the address provided in the information section below, within 30 days of the date of newspaper publication of this notice. In addition, the public may request a public meeting. If significant interest exists, the Executive Director will direct the applicant to publish a notice of the public meeting and hold the public meeting. The applicant must publish notice of a public meeting at least 30 days prior to the meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the MS4 is located. If the MS4 is located in more than one county, the applicant must publish notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county containing the largest residential population. The Executive Director will consider all relevant information pertaining to whether the applicant meets the requirements of the general permit and will issue a written determination as to any final action on the NOI for authorization under the general permit.
INFORMATION. Written public comments should be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 or electronically at For additional information, about the application for authorization under TPDES General Permit No. TXR040000 or the procedure for public participation in the general permit process, individual members of the general public may contact the TCEQ Public Education Program at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea información en Espanol, puede hamar al 1-800-687- 4040. General information regarding the TCEQ can be found at our web site at
Issued: June 30, 2015
Posted on Website 07-17-15 – Janice M. Moore, City Secretary