Meadows Place City Council will be holding a Public Hearing on the Tax Increase.
WHEN: August 26, 2024 | 6:30 PM
WHERE: City Hall, 1 Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, TX 77477
WHEN: August 26, 2024 | 6:30 PM
WHERE: City Hall, 1 Troyan Drive, Meadows Place, TX 77477
A tax rate of $0.884207 per $100 valuation has been proposed by Council.
PROPOSED TAX RATE $0.884207 per $100
NO-NEW-REVENUE TAX RATE $0.790308 per $100
VOTER-APPROVAL TAX RATE $0.838722 per $100
DE MINIMIS RATE $0.884207 per $100
We have a lot of resources on our website for residents:
BUDGET AND TAX RATE PAGE: Includes the presentation given to Council on 8/13/24 regarding tax rates. You can find video of that meeting by clicking HERE.
PROPERTY TAX INFORMATION PAGE: Includes directions on how to calculate the impact of the tax rate on your assessed home value. Includes Tax Rate Calculator.
AGENDAS AND MINUTES: Here you will find all agendas and public hearing notices.