Turn to page 22 of Texas Town & City (TTC), the official publication of The Texas Municipal League (TML), and you will find an article titled Texas Youth Train For A Stronger Future. The article is about the annual YAC Summit, sponsored by TML, which was attended by over 200 students from 30 cities across the State. It met this year in Pearland in a collaborative effort to help members share information, celebrate their contributions to their home cities, develop skills and strengthen leadership abilities. Oh, and have fun – all of which they did. Meadows Place stands out in this article for its contributions of the photos used but more so for being the Winner of the Best Service Project Contribution! They were competing against YAC councils all across the state. Parks Director and Meadows Place YAC Adult Leader Colene Cabezas was especially proud of this standout group of young Meadows Place leaders, especially since they had been together for less than a year. She is also thrilled that the publication goes out to 1,140 cities and over 16,000 mayors, council members, city managers, city managers and department heads across the great State of Texas. Not bad coverage for a one square mile city! Way to go Meadows Place YAC!
City Council Regular Meeting
January 28, 2025
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