Recently, City Council authorized a design contract with HDR Engineering to rehabilitate the City’s lift station at the wastewater treatment plant. The City’s lift station carries roughly 1 million gallons of the City’s sanitary sewage to our wastewater treatment plant for cleaning DAILY. As you can imagine, this is one of the most important pieces of infrastructure in our city. Last week, Public Works met with HDR to come up with a plan to address the needed upgrades on the lift station.
Upgrades to the lift station will bring it to current standards by replacing the aged pumps with new energy efficient variable speed motors that can be more finely tuned and controlled remotely. These upgrades will ensure we are equipped to meet the needs of the city and in the long run will save the city money.
In addition, HDR has also completed design work on the wastewater treatment plant rehabilitation. The plant is responsible for cleaning our sanitary sewage and discharging the cleaned water into Keegan’s Bayou.
HDR will be replacing much of the old equipment bringing the plant up to a more modern design that will serve us for many years to come.
All these improvements are being partially paid for with the Federal American Rescue Plan Act funding received by the City of Meadows Place.