Jim McDonald Park
Located at 12005 Dorrance Lane
Jim McDonald Park Features:
- Tennis-Pickleball Courts
- Tennis Court Pavilion
- Helfman Playground For All
- Sensory Park
- BBQ Pit
- Little Libraries
- Single Stall Restroom
Tennis Courts
The Meadows Place tennis courts are located at Jim McDonald Park. Access to the City of Meadows Place tennis courts and Pool are available only to residents of Meadows Place. A Driver’s License and/or a Meadows Place water bill MUST be shown to purchase access systems. Guests are always welcome to the facilities as long as the resident is present. Please take a moment to read the Tennis Court Rules sign located at the tennis court. All rules will be enforced and violators will be subject to forfeiture of their privileges for use of City facilities.
Tennis Courts Access System
- Tennis Courts access cards may be purchased at City Hall, during business hours, Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm.
- Only adult residents of Meadows Place may purchase a card; a registration card must be completed.
- A Driver’s License and/or Meadows Place water bill verifying Meadows Place residency must be shown to purchase access cards.
- Access cards are $50 per card, maximum 2 cards per family.
- Tennis players must have access card with them on the courts.
- A maximum of three (3) guests allowed per card; all guests must be accompanied by the resident.
- Cards are valid through May; previous year’s cards will be deactivated at the end of May each year.
- Tennis court rules posted and on registration card MUST be followed at all times.
- No paid instruction without City of Meadows Place permission.
- Parks & Recreation programs have priority to all courts.
- Pickleball play has priority on the marked courts on Tuesdays & Thursdays.
- Limit play to 90 minutes.
If you see suspicious activity, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department at 281-642-7701 with the time of day and possible violation.