According to the voters who turned out and took the time to answer a short Q&A, the Countywide Polling Place Program seems to have been a big success. This program allowed eligible voters to vote at any designated polling location on Election Day instead of being required to vote only at his or her home precinct polling location. That is good news, but the County would like to hear from the public regarding this program. So, on January 12, the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court will hold another Public Hearing at Commissioners Court in Richmond on the continued use of this program. I am proud to say that Meadows Place was instrumental in bringing about Countywide voting and doubly proud that the number of people voting at Meadows Place City Hall put us in the top 10% of all Fort Bend polling locations. Voters here, as well as those passing through the city seemed to like it. The following is a copy of the Notice of that hearing. The County Commissioners will be at your disposal and are anxious to hear your feedback on the new Countywide Polling Place Program.
The following is a copy of that notice.
Notice of Public Hearing on Application for Successful Status of a “Countywide Polling Place Program” for Fort Bend County
Aviso de audiencia pública sobre la solicitud de estado exitosa de un “programa de votación de todo el Condado” condado de Fort Bend
Fort Bend County successfully utilized the Countywide Polling Places program during the November 3, 2015 Special Election and the December 12, 2015 Runoff Election for the City of Houston. This program allowed eligible voters to vote at any designated polling location on Election Day instead of being required to vote only at his or her home precinct polling location.
Condado de Fort Bend utilizo con éxito el programa de todo el Condado lugares de votación durante el 03 de noviembre de 2015 elección especial y el 12 de diciembre de 2015 elección de desempate para la ciudad de Houston este programa permitida a los votantes elegibles votar en cualquier lugar de votación designado en la jornada electoral en lugar de ser necesaria para votar solamente en su recinto casa centro de votación.
The Fort Bend County Commissioners Court will conduct a public hearing to provide additional information and solicit comments from the public concerning Fort Bend County’s possible application to the Texas Secretary of State to be designated as “successful” for purposes of continuing participation in the “Countywide Polling Place Program’ as allowed by Texas Election Code 43.007 (k). If the application were granted, Fort Bend County would be authorized to use the “Countywide Polling Place Program” when approved by Commissioners Court.
Corte de Comisionados del Condado de Fort Bend llevara a cabo una audiencia pública para proporcionar información adicional y solicitar comentarios posible aplicación públicos sobre Fort Bend del Condado a la Secretaria de estado de Texas a designarse come “exitoso” a efectos de la continua participación en el “condado de la interrogación lugar programa” según lo permitido por el código electoral de Texas 43.007(k). Si la solicitud se concede, Condado de Fort Bend se autorizaría a utilizar el “condado de la interrogación lugar programa” cuando sea aprobado por el Tribunal de Comisarios.
The hearing will be held on January 12, 2016 at 1:00 P.M. in the Commissioners Courtroom at 401 Jackson Street, Second Floor, Richmond, Texas.
La audiencia se celebrará el 12 de enero de 2016 a las 1:00 en la sala de Comisarios en 401 Jackson Street, segundo piso, Richmond, Texas.
Submitted by:
Enviado por:
Laura Richard
Fort Bend County Clerk
Secretario del Condado de Fort Bend