We have received our first report from the County on the amount of debris collected from Meadows Place since Sunday, July 14th.
Check out these numbers:
County crews have picked up 78 loads of debris, that equals 3,221.5 cubic yards.
To give you a sense of scale, a standard washing machine is roughly one cubic yard in volume (3 feet high, 3 feet wide, and 3 feet deep). If we lined up that many washing machines side-by-side, they would stretch 1.83 miles. Dorrance Ln., at approximately 1.6 miles long, would come just short of holding them all.
If you still have debris, we aren’t sure when County crews will be back in Meadows Place, but they will be back. We also have not received an update on when they will be collecting other types of debris.
If you still have questions regarding debris, head to our website: https://cityofmeadowsplace.org/storm-debris-collection-and-trash-recycling-facts-beryl/
Thank you for your patience as debris and trash are being collected.