You asked for it………
Look inside your Newsletter and you will find a new column called Cop Talk. Cop Talk is a small informative column provided by your Police Department. It is intended to inform, educate and enhance communications between us and the PD. It will appear monthly and provide data that will let us know what we can do to help them look after us better, answer frequently asked questions and explain laws that affect us on a day to day basis. Look for – Cop Talk in the March edition. Another change is the addition of the ‘Meet Your Council’ column .. This will feature a different elected or city official so you can get to know who is representing and serving you. Again, designed to break down barriers and open lines of communication. Hopefully it will even encourage you to come to City Council meetings. These are small and subtle changes to make life even better in the City of Meadows Place, Your Place for Life!
25th Anniversary
If you want to be a volunteer or a sponsor, please contact Monya Keenan or Terry Modeland at our Parks Department. This is going to be a great evening of fun and games, family and fireworks. Be a part of it. Thank You …and Happy Anniversary.
Mayor Charles Jessup