In 2007, Fort Bend County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) and a group of dedicated volunteers formed our first CERT Team. The purpose and mission of the CERT Team is to aid and support the people of Fort Bend County preparing for, responding to, recovering from, or mitigating the effects of natural and Man-Made disasters.
CERT training is designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family and your neighbors in the event of an anticipated disruptions and potential hazards before and following a disaster.
Training Requirements
CERT members, who have successfully completed the required training, will qualify to participate as a CERT Team Member. In order to become CERT-ifed, volunteers must complete the following course requirements.
- Attend a 25 hour class.
- Complete all of the 8 week Training Course
- Complete IS 100 (Introduction to the Incident Command System) and IS 700 (Introduction to the National Incident Management System) courses.
- Attend SkyWarn Training within first year of joining CERT.
Fundamentals Curriculum
The Fundamentals of Emergency Management Training Curriculum includes the following sessions:
This unit addresses a variety of disaster situations that might threaten our community. We also look at the impact on Fort Bend County’s infrastructure, structural, and nonstructural hazards. In addition, each participant learns what they can do to mitigate the effects of disasters and learn more about personal safety and secondary hazards which present themselves when emergencies or disasters occur.
Basic Fire Suppression
This unit addresses the basic use of fire extinguishers, personal safety, fire prevention for the home and workplace and an overview of the Fire Department and its resources.
In addition, this unit provides an orientation to hazardous materials. This basic knowledge enables the CERT team member to recognize and identify a hazardous material threat and how to properly notify authorities.
Disaster Medical
Part I of Disaster Medical Operations includes an introduction to disaster medical situations. It includes recognizing and treating life-threatening conditions, triage, and practical applications for disaster medical knowledge and skills.
Part II of Disaster Medical Operations concentrates on the organization of disaster medical operations. Participants learn how to conduct head-to-toe patient assessments establish treatment areas; treat burns; care for wounds; treat fractures; sprains and strains; splint broken bones; treat hypothermia and frostbite. CERT members also learn public health considerations and apply their newly learned disaster medical knowledge and skills in a practical scenario.
Light Search and Rescue
This unit includes aspects of search and rescue planning, size-up, and operations.
Team Organization and Psychology
The CERT program include the spontaneous organization of CERT and disaster decision-making. Participants learn about disaster psychology and how these traumatic events can affect victims and rescuers including CERT members. In conclusion, this unit addresses CERT and its relationship to the incident management system.
This unit is a basic overview on terrorism.
The hands-on “disaster” exercise that puts newly learned CERT skills to the test.
We also provide manual and Starter Backpack.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information, please contact Meadows Place City Hall or call Ft. Bend County at at (281) 342-6185 or email.
The application may be returned to OEM by email, mail, or fax:
Mail 307 Fort Street, Richmond, TX 77469